
rain的过去式是:rained。rain的过去式是:rained。rain的词语用法是n.(名词)rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。




rain的过去式是:rained。rain的过去式是:rained。rain的词语用法是n.(名词)rain的意思是“雨”,通常用作不可数名词, a rain指“一次雨、一阵雨、一场…样的雨”, rains指“几场雨,大阵雨”。rain的意思是n.雨;雨水;v.下雨;(雨点般)落下。一、详尽释义点此查看rain的详细内容n.(名词)(一场)雨,雨水雨季雨天阵雨,降雨,下雨,淫雨大西洋北纬4-10度的多雨地带降落物, 雨点般降落的东西电子流落下一阵季节性降雨(R-)郑智薰(韩国艺人)v.(动词)下雨,降雨,下倾盆大雨,有雨大量地给,厚施(雨一般地)落下,散下,(使)大量降落频频地送雨水般地淌下祸不单行煞风景,破坏原定的计划赛事倾注_null.郑智薰,来自韩国的音乐人二、双解释义n.(名词)[U][S]雨water falling in separate drops from the cloudsv.(动词)vi. & vt. (雨)降下; (使)降落(of rain) fall; (cause to) fall like rain三、网络解释1. 鱼:下面特别送上鲨鱼(rain)的<发如雪>,大家多多踩场.....!!!2.rain:regional access information network; 地区接入信息网四、例句There will be rain in all parts of the country.全国各地将有雨。The boys went for a walk despite of the rain.尽管下雨,孩子们还是去散步。The rain beat against the windows.雨水拍打在窗户上。Too much rain accounted for the poor crop.太多的雨水导致庄稼歉收。There is plenty of rain this year.今年雨水充足。If it doesn"t rain tomorrow, we"ll have a picnic.如果明天不下雨,我们就去野餐。It began to rain as soon as he left home.他刚刚离开家就下起雨来。Tears rained down her cheeks.眼泪顺着她的面颊如雨点般落下。The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.手提箱裂开了,里面的东西纷纷落在地板上。五、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~brave the rain冒雨expect rain盼望雨水have rain有雨水keep off rain防雨make rain人工降雨need rain需要雨水produce rain人工降雨shut out rain遮雨threaten rain预示着要下雨形容词+~acid rain酸雨constant rain连绵不断的雨driving rain暴风雨falling rain飘降着的雨fine rain细雨freezing rain冻雨gentle rain小雨hard rain大雨heavy rain大雨icy rain冷雨light rain小雨man-made rain人工降雨new-fallen rain刚下的雨steady rain连绵的雨terrible rain糟糕的雨the first rain第一场雨thin rain小雨welcome rain及时雨,甘霖名词+~spring rain春雨summer rain夏雨~+名词rain band雨带rain belt雨区rain boots雨鞋rain cap雨帽rain cloud雨云rain drop雨点rain forest热带雨林介词+~in the rain冒着雨,在雨中drops of rain雨点rustling of rain淅沥沥的雨水声on account of rain由于下雨cancel the match on account of rain因下雨取消比赛clothes wet with rain被雨水淋湿的衣服without rain没有雨水~+介词rain of bullets弹雨rain of tears泪如雨下rain of telegrams电报如雪花飘来用作动词 (v.)~+名词rain cats and dogs大雨倾盆~+副词rain hard雨下得很大rain down大量地流〔落〕下来rain off因下雨而受阻rain out因下雨而取消~+介词rain from从四处撒播rain in torrents大雨如注rain on〔upon〕(使)雨点般地落到…上rain benefits upon sb给某人种种好处六、经典引文Swoll"n with..late descending rains.出自:T. GrayOne rains he died.出自:B. M. CrokerThe summer rains didn"t come.出自:C. McCulloughWe must put the chairs on the verandah, otherwise they will be rained on.出自:I. MurdochIt never rains but it pours.出自:Proverb七、常见错误n.(名词)农民们在盼雨。误 The farmers want the rain.正 The farmers want rain.今年的雨水很多。误 We"ve had many rain this year.正 We"ve had much rain this year.析 rain作“雨水”解时是不可数名词,不能用many修饰,须用much,也不需要定冠词。他被雨淋了。误 He was caught in rain.正 He was caught in the rain.析 “在雨中”英语是in the rain,需要用定冠词the。昨天晚上有一场小雨。误 There was a small rain last night.正 There was a light rain last night.析 “一场小雨”,英文用a light rain,不用small。一场大雨冲走了许多肥沃的土壤。误 A big rain washed away much rich soil.正 A heavy rain washed away much rich soil.析 表示“大雨”通常应该说heavy rain,而不说big rain或great rain。不断的下雨使两岸都淹没了。误 Continuous rain overflowed the banks.正 Continuous rains overflowed the banks.析 rain作“几场雨”或“雨季”解时,习惯用复数。他们冒雨踢足球。误 They played football under the rain.正 They played football in the rain.析 “冒着雨”应该说 in the rain,而不能说 under the rain。v.(动词)五点开始下雨。误 It rained at five o"clock.正 It began to rain at five o"clock.析 rain用作动词时表示持续的动作,不能跟表示确切的时间点的状语连用。如果明天不下雨,我们就去动物园。误 If it isn"t rain tomorrow, we"ll go to the zoo.正 If it doesn"t rain tomorrow, we"ll go to the zoo.析 “下雨”应该用动词rain。rain的相关近义词drizzle、fall、hail、steam、drizzle、drop、fall、spitrain的相关临近词rainbow、raiment、Raino、Raine、Rainu、Raini、Raing、Raina、Raindl、rained、Rainau、rainer点此查看更多关于rain的详细信息

